Monday 11 August 2014

Chronic Diarrhoea

Chronic Diarrhoea

It is defined as "diarrhoea of at least three weeks duration or three attacks of diarrhoea during the last three months." It is a common pediatric problem in the tropics.


a) Protein energy malnutrition (PEM)

b) Intestinal parasites, (Giardia lamblia, E. histolytica)

c) Cow milk protein intolerance

d)Abdominal tuberculosis

e) Coeliac, disease

f) Cystic fibrosis

g) Tropical sprue

h) Disaccharide intolerance

i) Irritable colon

j) Ulcerative colitis

k) Ostructive jaundice

l) A-beta lipoproteinemia

m) Intestinal lymphangiectasia

n) Congenital absence of the bile salts

Some of these are described below.

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