Sunday 10 August 2014

Food For a Child

Food For a Child
It's better to keep small children from drinking train water (bring some in a bottle) and eating unusual food. When buying food for them in public places, avoid particularly cakes and pastries with moist fillings, milk puddings, cold meats, cold fish, and cold eggs, creaMY SALAD DRESSING (including sandwiches and salads that contain them).

These are food that are most easily contaminated with poisonous bacteria if carelessly handled or not properly refrigerated. Better stick to hot foods, fruit that you peel yourself, milk in separate containers. (Of course, you can put up your own sandwiches, such as peanut butter and jelly.)

Even if you are expecting to feed a child at roadside restaurants, or in the diner, or on the meals provided in a plane bring a bag of food for snacks or in case meals are delayed a box of salted crackers (said to be helpful for car sickness). cheese and hard-boiled eggs in the shell (if enjoyed), fruit, a vacuum bottle of milk, a jar of pureed prunes in case of constipation.

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