Tuesday 29 July 2014

Precocious Puberty

Precocious Puberty

Pubertal change in boys before 9 years and in girls before 8 years is termed precocious puberty.

  • It is more common in girls 
  • There is a greater chance of finding an organic cause in boys.


1. Idiopathic 

2. CNS disorders 

  • Tumors 
  • Congenital anomalies 
  • Post-inflammatory
  • Trauma 

3. Syndromes

  • McCune Albright
  • Neurofibromatosis
  • Tuberous Sclerosis 
  • Russell-silver

4. Gonadal Tumors 

  • Ovarian
  • Granulosa-theca cell tumor 
  • Granulosa-luteal cell cysts 


  • Leydig cell tumors 
  • Adrenal rest tumors 
  • Adrenal disorders 
  • Cong. Adrenal Hyperplasia (boys)
  • Adenomas & Carcinomas 
  • (Virilizing - boys)
  • (Feminizing - girls)

5. Exogenous sex steroids 

  • Gonadotropin secreting tumors 
  • Chorioepithelioma
  • Teratoma
  • Hepatoblastoma (boys)

6. Primary hypothyroidism

  • Incomplete sexual precocity
  • Premature thelarche
  • Premature adrenarche

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